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Toddrick L. Lee Sr.

06-30-1990 - 12-19-2022

Funeral Information


Date: 12-31-2022
Time: 01.00 PM

Visitation Information


Date: 01-01-1970
Time: 12.00 PM

Our Condolences

If you are viewing our web page during the time of a loss, please allow us to extend our sincerest condolences. Our hope is that you find comfort during this time with the assistance of this message created especially with you in mind.


“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” ~Psalm 23:1
Toddrick La’Quinton Lee, Sr., a lifelong resident of Titusville, Florida, was the son of Vincent Lee, Sr. and Casandra Williams. He joyfully brightened their lives with his birth on June 30, 1990.
Preceding Toddrick in death were his grandparents: Mary Parker, Eloise Brown Lee, and James Lee, Sr.
Toddrick loved his family, and demonstrated his love with kindness, helpfulness, and thoughtfulness. He enjoyed being a part of family activities, and he especially looked forward to having ‘Daddy Time’ with his children, Ty’Onna and Toddrick, Jr.
A 2009 graduate of Titusville High School, Toddrick was a standout among his peers. Because of his outgoing personality, he was one who never met strangers. They immediately found something in common to talk about and instantly, they became friends. Also, because of his athleticism and team spirit, he worked hard to live up to his nickname “Prime Time” and “T-Lee”. This boosted his confidence and determination to succeed in football as well as track.
While he enjoyed being a part of the successful team effort, Toddrick recognized that there was a void in his life that was only filled when he professed his faith in Jesus Christ as his Redeemer. He was baptized by faith and attended St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church in Titusville.
‘It broke our heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone. For part of us went with you, the day God took you home.’ Toddrick La’Quinton Lee, Sr. crossed this walk of life to live eternally with the Lord on Monday, December 19, 2022.
Loved ones who will miss Toddrick La’Quinton Lee, Sr. until they meet again are his parents: Vincent Lee, Sr. of Madison, FL and Casandra (John) Williams of Titusville, FL; children: Ty’Onna Lee of Titusville, FL and Toddrick La’Quinton Lee, Jr. of Orlando, FL; brothers: Terrance Smith and Vincent Lee, Jr. both of Madison, FL, and Immanuel Lee of Jacksonville, FL; sisters: LaKessa (William) Brown of Titusville, FL and Victoria Lee of Orlando, FL; grandfather: Cecil Cobb of Greenville, FL; godbrother: Tavon Butler of Titusville, FL; along with many other sorrowing relatives and loving friends.


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